
The Owl and the Pussycat

This board, posted on Style Me Pretty, is inspired by the famous nonsense poem, by Edward Lear (first published in 1871), The Owl and the Pussycat. I would never have thought to put this pair in a wedding post were it not for the lovely invitations by Emily Johnson of EMprint Press. And so I present the beautiful pea green boat, a one shilling wedding ring (by Etsy artist Magic in the Grass), a dress made of runcible spoons (sporks, actually!) and plenty of moonlight to dance in!
Owl & Pussycat
*A bit about runcible spoons - "They dined on mince, and slices of quince,which they ate with a runcible spoon . . . " - it seems to be unclear, but Lear may have meant a pickle fork or a grapefruit spoon (some sort of a spoon with prongs). In my inspiration board I couldn't resist dressing our little Miss Pussycat in a dress made of over 750 sporks that I found here!

Other nice things to have would be:
Quince (photo by Liz Perlman)

Fun bridesmaids jewelry by Mother Eagle
And wouldn't this wooden brooch, by Made by White, look sweet pinned to the brides bouquet?

Here's a closer look at those beautiful invites by EMprint Press -


  1. Where did you get that pic of the figurines? I want a pair soooo bad!!! Tried to google and couldn't find...

    1. You can buy them on Etsy. You can get different animals as well.
